

Paul Cuny

Author of two books “Secrets of the Kingdom Economy”, an overview of the practical application of the economic system of the Kingdom which is now published in 5 languages, and “Nehemiah People” which challenges leaders in the 21st Century to discover God’s destiny and purpose through the template of the Book of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah People

The world is looking for solutions and the men and women of our generation with the heart and spirit of Nehemiah are the ones who carry those solutions. Nehemiah People issues the clarion call for you to be God’s agents of change for our day.



Secrets of the Kingdom Economy

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy reveals the timeless principles of the economic system God established for His people, beginning with the Exodus. It is filled with Biblical and prophetic insight, as well as, rich illustrations of the how to’s.



Global Leadership for the 21st Century

Days of Elijah Conference

A prophetic conference is hosted by Paul Wilbur includes speakers such as Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Michael Brown, Paul Wilbur, and Paul Cuny.

LA Global Call2Business

Call2Business is part of the LA Global Call2All Conference hosted by YWAM and CRU and brought business leaders together with global ministry leaders with a focus on the Great Commission. This gathering included speakers from around the world. such as Al Caperna, Os Hillman, Paul Cuny, and others.

European Economic Summit

European Economic Summit is a Last Days gathering of some of the world’s leading economists, government, and business leaders who believe that the economic principles of the Scripture provide key elements for the economic health of nations. These bi-annual summits are held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


How God Appoints Leaders

1 Sam 13:14 “But now your kingdom shall not endure. The LORD has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has appointed him as ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you.” This verse represents a tragic moment in the history of Israel!  Though Saul continued to rule as … Read more

Kingdom Economy

The Kingdom of God is a governmental system. Like all governmental systems, it has systems of economics, commerce and justice, as well as ministry, and these systems represent the most dominant spiritual and moral forces on the earth. Our understanding of how the Kingdom functions in the 21st Century is expanding. Nowhere is this expanding understanding more … Read more

Paul Cuny

Success in life is a dream of many young people graduating from college, and I was no different. After graduation and service in the military, my plan for a business career began in the corporate world. Success came early for me as I started my climb on the proverbial corporate ladder. Though my initial success was exciting, … Read more

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